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The Topics of the section "Rewrite as Directed" of Part-A Paper are:

1. Question Tag
  - Interrogative/Question Sentence
   - How to write a Question Tag
   - Question Tag with Negative Sentence
   - Question Tag with Simple Past Tense
   - Question Tag with Simple Present Tense
   - Question Tags with Modal Verbs
   - Question Tags with Imperative Sentence
   - Question Tags with Indefinite Pronoun
   - Question Tag with There Sentence
   - Question Tag with Let’s Sentence

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2. Adjective and its transformation of all three groups
   - Adjectives: Degrees of comparisons & Their Transformation

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3. Correlative Conjunctions:
   - Not Only.......But Also
     - Not Only……..But Also in the beginning of the sentence
   - Either…………Or
   - Neither………nor
   - So………..that
   - No Sooner than

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4. Relative/Adjective Clause with Relative Pronouns
   - Relative Pronoun---Who
   - Relative Clause as Defining & Non-Defining
   - Relative Pronoun "which/that"
   - Relative Pronoun "whom"
   - Relative Pronoun "whose"

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5. Active & Passive Voice of all tense and Imperative Sentences
   - Rules for Making Active & Passive Voice
   - Steps to convert Active to Passive Voice
   - Active and Passive Voice of Simple Past Tense
   - Omission of subject/Agent in Passive Voice
   - Direct and Indirect Object in Passive Voice
   - Conversion of Passive to Active Voice
   - Active and Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense
   - Active and Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense
   - Active and Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense
   - Active and Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense
   - Active and Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense
   - Active and Passive Voice of Simple Future Tense
   - Active and Passive Voice of Simple Imperative Sentence

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6. Direct and Indirect Speech of all tenses, Interrogative Sentence (confirmation & Information questions) and imperative Sentence
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech with Imperative (Order/Request) Sentence
   - Indirect (Reported) Speech with Imperative (order) Sentence
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech with Imperative (Request) Sentence
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Simple Future Tense
   - The Modal verbs that get changed into Indirect (Reported) speech
   - The words that get changed into indirect speech
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Simple Present Tense
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Present Continuous Tense
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Present Perfect Tense
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Simple Past Tense
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Past Continuous Tense
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Past Perfect Tense
   - Tenses that Change from direct to indirect Speech(Tense-Wise)
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Interrogative/Question Sentence
     - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech with Helping Verb Interrogatives (Confirmation Question)
   - Direct & Indirect (Reported) Speech of Interrogative/Question Sentence
     - Here we will begin with Wh & H Questions

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7. (Structure)

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8. Prepositional Expression (In spite of/Despite)

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9. Adverbial Clause with Subordinating Conjunctions
   - Combine the sentence using “When” & While For Short & long Action in Past Continuous Tense
   - Combining using: "While"
   - Combining “When” for Cause & Effect
   - Adverbial clause with Subordinating Conjunction “as soon as”
   - Adverbial clause with Subordinating Conjunction “Since”
   - Adverbial clause with Subordinating Conjunction “Though/Although”
   - If Clause or If Conditionals
   - Adverbial Clause with Subordinating Conjunction “Unless”

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10. Non-Finite-Clause of Present Participle/Gerund

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